Respiration Status of Asthma Patients Who Get Nebulisation Using Jet Nebulizer Compared to Nebulizer Using Oxygen
Method: The research was an experimental with a combination design, pre-post test with control group and post test only with control group in RSUD dr. R. Goeteng Taroenadibrata Purbalingga consisted of 60 respondents selected by proportional stratified random sampling. Data analysis used was independent t-test and fisher’r exact test.
Result: There was no difference in the respiratory pattern variables between jet nebulizer and oxygen as a driving gas nebulizers (p> 0.05). The jet nebulizer was better in reducing RR in asthma patients than the oxygen as a driving gas nebulizer (p <0.05). Jet nebulizer was better in changing breath sound from rhonchi/wheezing to vesicular than oxygen as a driving gas nebulizer (p <0.01). There was no difference in the increase of SpO2 between jet nebulizer than oxygen as a driving gas nebulizer (p> 0.05). The jet nebulizer was better to PEF asthma patients than oxygen as a driving gas nebulizer (p <0.01)
Conclusions: Jet nebulizer provided more positive effects than oxygen as a driving gas nebulizer on respiratory parameters of asthma patients. (J Respir Indo. 2018; 38: 187-91)
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