Relationship of Tuberculosis Radiographic Manifestation in Diabetic Patients with HbA1c Levels
Methods: The was a case-control study conducted between January to December 2016 at RSUP H Adam Malik, Medan to 43 with TB-DM patients and 41 TB-without DM patients was studied from. Radiological examination with chest radiograph was done in both groups of samples. The HbA1c levels was examined in the TB with DM group.
Result: Compared with TB-without DM group, the TB with DM group significantly had far advanced tuberculosis lesions (OR=3.8; 95% CI=1.37-10.47; P=0.01), more atypical lesions atipikal (OR=6.29; 95% CI=2.43-16.25; P<0.01), more multiple cavity (OR=15; 95% CI=2.52-133.26; P=0.002). TB patients with HbA1c 7-8.9% had a 14.25 times to having atypical lesions compared with HbA1c <7 g% (OR=14.25; 95% CI=1.41–143.18; P= 0.024).
Conclusion: Diabetes mellitus especially uncontrolled DM has an impact to the radiological imaging of TB. (J Respir Indo. 2019; 39(3):154-9)
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